Interspecific association patterns of woody species in an evergreen broadleaved forest of Con Dao National Park, Vietnam


  • Nguyen Hong Hai Vietnam National University of Forestry
  • Vu Manh Southern Branch of Joint Vietnam - Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center
  • Pham Thanh Trang Vietnam National University of Forestry
  • Nguyen Van Quy Southern Branch of Joint Vietnam - Russia Tropical Science and Technology Research Center


Community organization, Gleason's hypothesis, null models, species interactions, theoretical ecology


The interspecific associations among tree species in natural forest stands help to reveal mechanisms for maintaining species diversity and provide theoretical foundations for vegetation restoration and regeneration. This study focused on woody species within a 4-ha study plot established in an evergreen broadleaved forest in Con Dao National Park, Vietnam. We analyzed the interspecific associations among sixty-four recorded woody species in the study plot based on their presence and absence in subplots at two sampling scales: 10 m × 10 m and 20 m × 20 m. The results indicated that most of the 3,969 pairs of the sixty-four species exhibited independent associations, confirming an individualistic hypothesis proposed by Gleason. Furthermore, species interactions of common species were stronger than those of rare ones, indicating that species abundance influenced interspecific associations, and this result acknowledges the presence of random processes in driving species coexistence. A comparison of observed communities and random communities based on null models revealed that deterministic processes play a dominant role in governing species co-occurrence within the tree communities in the study area. Our study provides insights into the complex dynamics of species interactions within forest ecosystems, contributing to our understanding of biodiversity maintenance and offering valuable guidance for conservation and restoration efforts.


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How to Cite

Hong Hai, N., Manh, V., Thanh Trang, P., & Van Quy, N. (2024). Interspecific association patterns of woody species in an evergreen broadleaved forest of Con Dao National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology, 9(2), 022–031.



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