ENTOMOPATHOGENIC BACTERIUM Serratia marcescens ISOLATED FROM Episparis tortuosalis CAUSING A DAMAGE TO Chukrasia tabularis IN VIETNAM


  • Pham Duy Long Forest Protection Research Centre, VAFS
  • Le Bao Thanh Vietnam National University of Forestry
  • Tran Xuan Hung Forest Protection Research Centre, VAFS
  • Hoang Thi Hang Vietnam National University of Forestry
  • Dinh Tien Tai Institue of Biotechnology, Hue University
  • Phuong Van Phuc Hanoi Department of Forest Ranger
  • Bui Duc Long Vietnam National University of Forestry
  • Nguyen Minh Chi Forest Protection Research Centre, VAFS


Chukrasia tabularis, Episparis tortuosalis, natural insecticides, Serratia marcescens


Episparis tortuosalis Moore, 1867 is a serious pest of the Chukrasia tabularis A. Juss which is widely planted in plantations in Vietnam. A biocontrol option to manage this pest is a priority for the forest sector. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether there are potential biocontrol candidates within the E. tortuosalis population. Sixteen bacterial strains were isolated from E. tortuosalis larvae that were parasitized in a C. tabularis plantattion in Nghe An province. Four isolates (FPRC06, FPRC07, FPRC14 and FPRC16) had strongest pathogenicity on Galleria mellonella larvae at 1, 24 and 36 hours after the injection and 72, 96 and 120 hours after the spraying experiments. The mortality rate of G. mellonella resulted from these two experimental approaches at the end of experiments was 93.3–100% and 76.7–100%, respectively. In a greenhouse experiment, the four isolates caused 44.3–61.1%, 52.0–68.0%, 54.3–69.1% and 41.4–60.7% mortality of E. tortuosalis larvae after 3, 5 and 7 days of spraying, respectively. These results were similar to applying a commercial Bacillus thuringiensis. The two isolates (FPRC07, FPRC14) were identified as Serratia marcescens based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA. Thus, this finding reveals the potential opportunities for the development of a natural insecticide of E. tortuosalis in Vietnam.


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How to Cite

Duy Long, P., Bao Thanh, L., Xuan Hung, T., Thi Hang, H., Tien Tai, D., Van Phuc, P., Duc Long, B., & Minh Chi, N. (2023). ENTOMOPATHOGENIC BACTERIUM Serratia marcescens ISOLATED FROM Episparis tortuosalis CAUSING A DAMAGE TO Chukrasia tabularis IN VIETNAM. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology, (15), 100–107. Retrieved from https://journal.vnuf.edu.vn/en/article/view/159



Resource management & Environment