Research on building a biochar production model from agricultural by-products in Gia Lai province
Agricultural by-products, biochar, coffee trees, Gia Lai province, kilnsReferences
. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) (2021). Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Summary report, focusing on the impacts of climate change on agriculture and food security.
. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) (2018). Climate Change and Food Security: Risks and Responses. Document describing how climate change affects agricultural production and responses.
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. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam (2020). Comprehensive Report on the Agricultural Situation in Vietnam 2019-2020. Report providing information on agricultural production and sustainable solutions in various regions, including Gia Lai.
. Gia Lai Statistics Office (2022). Gia Lai Statistical Yearbook 2022. Statistical Publishing House.
. Vietnam’s Ministry of Finance (2013). Circular No. 56/2013/TT-BTC. Amending export tax rates for charcoal made from planted forest of heading 44.02 in the export tariff. Hanoi, May 2013.
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