Forest vegetation cover in Bu Gia Map National Park, Vietnam


  • Mai Hai Chau Vietnam National University of Forestry - Dong Nai Campus
  • Tran Thi Ngoan Vietnam National University of Forestry - Dong Nai Campus
  • Nguyen Van Phu Vietnam National University of Forestry – Dong Nai Campus
  • Le Van Cuong Vietnam National University of Forestry – Dong Nai Campus
  • Nguyen Trong Phu Vietnam National University of Forestry – Dong Nai Campus
  • Huynh Phuc Da Bu Gia Map National Park
  • Dang Viet Hung Vietnam National University of Forestry – Dong Nai Campus


Understanding the composition of tree species is essential for establishing conservation priorities. Bu Gia Map National Park is in the tropical rainforest zone of Southeast Vietnam. This paper is to analyse and assess tree species composition and biodiversity conservation in Bu Gia Map National Park. The diversity of plant species in Bu Gia Map National Park was studied to provide baseline information for conservation and sustainable management processes that will prolong the life of National Park. The results obtained from the study conducted on the plant species composition and forest vegetation in this national park revealed a total of 786 species, spanning 430 genera and 132 families, across three divisions of vascular plants: Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta, and Magnoliophyta. Among these are 300 species of timber plants, 270 species of medicinal plants, 62 species of edible plants, 74 species of ornamental plants, 40 species of industrial plants, 28 species of fiber plants, and 12 species of plants with unknown use. Notably, during the investigation period, Goniothalamus vietnamensis Ban and Myxopyrum smilacifolium Blume were newly recorded in the forest vegetation of Bu Gia Map National Park. The study also describes a variety of forest vegetation in the area, identifying two major forest vegetation types within Bu Gia Map National Park.


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How to Cite

Hai Chau, M. H. C., Thi Ngoan, T., Van Phu, N., Van Cuong, L., Trong Phu, N., Phuc Da, H., & Viet Hung, D. (2024). Forest vegetation cover in Bu Gia Map National Park, Vietnam. Journal of Forestry Science and Technology, 9(1), 012–017.



Silviculture and Forest Inventory-Planning