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About the Journal
Journal of Forestry Science and Technology (JFST) ISSN 2615 – 9368 publishes scientific articles related to agriculture and forestry for a broad range of international scientists, forest managers and practitioners. The scope of the journal covers the following subjects:
- Biotechnology
- Seeds – Cultivation
- Silviculture
- Forest Inventory-Planning
- Natural resource management
- Environment - Ecology
- Engineering - Construction
- Material technology and Wood processing
- Interior Design, Landscape Architecture
- Economics
- Society
- Development
The journal welcomes review articles, original papers, and short communications with high academic quality. The journal seeks manuscripts reporting breakthroughs in knowledge, approaches or techniques, and understanding across a broad spectrum of agriculture and forestry. All papers are subject to peer review. Submissions are judged on their originality, the importance of their subject matter, and their clarity, accuracy, and quality of scientific writing.
Current Issue
Cover & Toc
Research on building a biochar production model from agricultural by-products in Gia Lai province
Correlation between Woody Species and Environmental Variables in a Tropical Forest in Central Laos
Interspecific association patterns of woody species in an evergreen broadleaved forest of Con Dao National Park, Vietnam
Carbon mineralization potential and nutrient dynamics in soils under vegetation types and soil depths at Luot mountain
Surface Water Monitoring Using GIS and Remote Sensing applications: Case study in Bau Sau, Cat Tien National Park
Predicting land cover changes in Xuan Lien Nature Reserve, Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam
Water quality assessment for aquacultivation in Quang Ngai city, Quang Ngai province
Using Google Earth Engine open-source code for land surface temperature estimation from Landsat data in Chuong My district, Hanoi city, Vietnam
The short-term aging effects of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Nano Silica (NS) as modifiers on asphalt binders